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We have been dating for about a year. We've been through a lot and we usually get over it. He's been a jerk to me for the most part, but I have forgiven him a few things that most people would find unforgivable. We moved into the same house in June. Since then, we've had to remodel a bit. The house isn't finished yet because he spends his free time at his grandmothers or dads houses. I told him to stay away from there because he would spend the entire day there, and we have pets and other things. He's never home when I get off of work. For the most part, he is lazy. He just got a job as a full-time employee a month back and acts exhausted every time he comes off. I have taken care of both of us financially for the majority of our relationship. He hasn't paid any bills even though he now has a job. I've told him all this, and even cried with him. But nothing has changed. He was an alcoholic before, but I forced him to stop drinking. He would get abusive and tell me that his family did not care for me and only used me. But now when we argue he drinks at his grandmother's house. He will often drink at his grandmother's house without telling me. But I can tell when he drinks, because he is so rude. The last time we had a big argument, I went out with friends while he called me drunk the entire time. He showed up with his brother because we knew each other's location. Someone help me, I don't even know what to say to this man.

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1 Answer

I believe limits need to be established. Red flags will be raised by anything you discuss, according to the majority of internet users. You'll be better off without him until he's ready to change, give up drinking, and get his act together.
