I always thought you were real nice and pretty whoop whoop but now I see your true colors and who you really are and it’s not the type of person I would ever want to be friends with cuhs your all about yourself and would instantly just leave me hanging if another person who u can benefit more from comes along! I’m starting to see a lot more negative qualities about you then good so, im good! you made it kinda easy to stop loving you so thank you! But I’m sure you can find another FOOL to play the role good luck with that !
I take it that you were texted by your ex-girlfriend this? or sent it to her by email? What specifically transpired between you both? just to provide background.
@joshithoms27 Yes, it's my ex, and all she does is play games with me. One day, she acts like she wants to be with me again, and the next, she acts like she doesn't want to be with me at all. She claims to be my best friend, so I understand why she doesn't want to get back together, and she still tells me she loves me all the time. However, she only ever gets intimate with me occasionally and seems okay with it. The next time I try to get close to her, she becomes strange and irrational! I also give her so much, but I never ever get anything in return—shits never get back to me.
Seems like she wants you just when it's convenient for her. I promise you that she is making a mockery of you, so get rid of her. I cut go a lot of acquaintances and women who were a pain in the ass. This female of yours obviously doesn't respect you, which is why it's called self-respect. Put down your head
Hopefully, you may connect to my experience.
We used to go out on the weekends with my closest buddy. I once fancied her and even asked her out, but she turned me down. We kissed once when she was intoxicated, but she later sat me down and gave me a long speech about how uninteresting I was, which stung. We eventually moved beyond that and continued to be friends.
We went out to a nightclub last year. After I picked her up from her place, we headed to a bar, where she quickly made out with a man and left me behind. I contacted her, but she didn't respond, so I decided to wait in the vehicle. She eventually showed up at the hotel with the man. She called me to come get her two hours later. I acted foolishly. left her at home. I was ashamed and felt taken advantage of. The next day, I blocked her. To her, I was just a free cab.