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Is Vidalista safe?


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Vidalista When used properly in conjunction with medical advice, can be thought to be safe for men of all ages.It is only to be used only by men who are advised by a physician, since Erectile dysfunction could be an indication of a more serious medical condition. Self-medicating using Vidalista is not recommended.

It's not a good idea for people who take the nitrates prescribed for heart disease because it could result in a drastic reduction of blood pressure.A cautious approach is recommended for people suffering from kidney or liver diseases or problems with bleeding, blood cells conditions, eye issues or those who have suffered heart attack, stroke or heart rhythm issues within the past 6 months.

Some serious but rare adverse effects can be a result of PDE5 inhibitors such as Vidalista and Priapism, for example. (prolonged an erection) as well as vision loss and a sudden loss of hearing. Take immediate medical assistance in the event of any of these.

Possible side effects such as headaches or back pain muscles dizziness, flushing and headaches are more frequent. They are usually moderate.Dosing too much increases the risk of Vidalista-related adverse reactions. Dosing more than one dose every day is not recommended.

Combining Vidalista with other medications or herbal supplements as well as recreational drugs could increase the risk.It doesn't offer protection against sexually transmitted infections. Still, safe sex practices should be employed.

As long as it is taken according to the instructions of a doctor and only when it is needed and taken through legal and controlled routes, Vidalista can be considered fairly safe to treat Erectile dysfunction in men who are suitable. However, risks still exist.

2 Answers

When men take Vidalista as their doctor tells them to, it is usually safe for them. The active ingredient is Tadalafil, which is used to treat erectile dysfunction. But, like any medicine, it can have side effects for some people. Before taking Vidalista, you should talk to your doctor to make sure it's safe and right for you, especially if you already have a health problem or are on other medicines. Pay close attention to what your doctor tells you to do to lower the risk of side effects and increase the benefits.


Yes, vidalista is safe, if you take it as prescribed by your doctor. If you need to know about it before using. Remember, this medication should be taken 30 minutes before intercourse and should be taken with normal water, not cold drinks. If you experience any side effects, you should inform the doctor immediately.
