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I fucked up and don’t know what to do from now on (26f/29f)


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My girlfriend for more than one year now. We live together and everything is generally going well. There is one blemish that I can see: she's extremely expressive in the face of anger. It's the strong emotion she has for her, and things can become heated fast. I'm not comfortable with conflicts and have realized that I'd do anything to keep her from becoming even little bit upset. She could react very irritably in the event that we disagree and she thinks my opinion isrude. For instance, when we began relationship, we were communicating with my ex. She became extremely upset about that. I was able to understand her boundaries, and said the person was kind to me and that I was dissatisfied that I could not speak to her ever again, but then agreed the decision to cut her off. For her, my argument was rude. This made me not reveal small details or white lies, things that to me were not significant. But she did find out and to her, lies are lies and I understand. I've tried to avoid conflict for so long that I've lost myself in the relationship, believed she was manipulating me. I was convinced she was toxic and wished to get out, even though we'd both said we'd love each other forever and always. My reaction was awe-inspiring, she seemed genuinely devastated and incredibly comforting. She was also shocked at the things I had accused her of, and she said she was determined to resolve the issue. I've been in therapy to learn why I'm afraid of conflict, and have tried to get away when things become difficult (I've always done this). But she's been wounded by my lies and I've thought about going away. She believes that everything is damaged, she doesn't believe me, and she's not the kind of person to forgive. Do you have any suggestions? What can I try to do in order to make the process simpler? Are there any ideas?
