Hey everyone I don't ejaculate too early, but I'd like to learn how to cum only when I want to during sex. Do you know what to do?
Premature ejaculation (PE) is a typical worry for some men, and different systems and procedures can assist with tackling this issue. It is critical to take note of that assuming you are encountering relentless or serious untimely discharge, counseling medical services proficient or sex therapist is fitting. They can give customized direction in light of your particular circumstance. Here are a few general tips that might be useful:
Practice Kegel works out:
Reinforcing your pelvic floor muscles can work on your capacity to control discharge. Kegel practices include contracting and loosening up the muscles that help the pelvic organs. To recognize these muscles, take a stab at holding your pee halfway. When you distinguish them, work on contracting and loosening up them consistently.
Begin stop innovation:
During sexual action, when you feel that you are near peak, shut down all sexual movement and permit your accomplice to participate in different sorts of excitement until the desire to discharge dies down. Then, at that point, continue the sexual movement. This method can assist you with overseeing your excitement.
Crush Method:
This includes having your accomplice crush the foundation of your penis for around 30 seconds when you believe you are going to discharge. This can assist with postponing discharge. After pressing, stand by around 30 seconds and afterward continue sexual action.
Care and unwinding methods:
Methods, for example, care contemplation and moderate muscle unwinding can assist with decreasing tension and stress, which are frequently connected with untimely discharge.
Utilize thicker condoms:
A thicker condom can diminish responsiveness and assist with deferring discharge. What's more, condoms can give insurance against physically communicated contaminations and undesirable pregnancies.
Masturbation before sex:
A few men find that stroking off a couple of hours before participating in sexual movement can assist with deferring discharge during the genuine demonstration.
Keep in mind, that correspondence with your accomplice is significant. Being transparent about your sentiments and encounters can assist with building trust and understanding. If the untimely discharge is causing huge misery, a proficient conference is suggested. A medical care supplier or sex specialist can give more individualized direction and search for conceivable basic foundations for the issue.
If you want to stop ejaculating too soon, try the start-stop technique: when you're getting close to climax, stop sexual action and let your desire drop before starting again. Do Kegel movements to make your pelvic muscles stronger. Try being in different physical situations and be honest with your partner. To deal with worry, work on relaxation methods like deep breathing. Using a bigger condom might also help lessen sensitivity. If your worries don't go away, talk to a doctor. They can give you personalized help and look into possible causes or solutions.
I like to masturbate 1 to 2 hours before intercourse. Using thicker condoms to help reduce sensation. Briefly ejaculate reflexes (the body's automatic reflexes, during which you ejaculate) Have sex with your partner on top (to let them pull away when you're close to ejaculation) Take a deep breath. If that doesn't happen, get medicine to stop PE. If so, you should consult a doctor.
If you want to stop ejaculating too soon, try the start-stop method, in which you pause during sexual activity to delay pleasure. Do Kegel movements to get better control over your pelvic muscles. During sex, pay attention to your deep breaths and be present. You could use stronger condoms or anesthetics that you put on your skin. Talk to your partner about the problem honestly, and if it doesn't go away, see a doctor or nurse for advice and possible treatments.
If you want to avoid ejaculating too soon during sex, try the start-stop method or the squeeze technique. With the start-stop method, you stop stimulating before climax. With the squeeze technique, you gently squeeze the base of the penis. Pay attention to slowing down your breathing, relaxing, and talking to your partner. Also, getting help from a medical professional can give you personalized ways to deal with rapid ejaculation.
Try the stop-start method or the squeeze technique to stop ejaculating too soon during sex. These involve slowing down or stopping stimulation when you feel like you're about to ejaculate. Using relaxing methods and talking to your partner can also help you deal with your worry and get a better handle on things.