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Does reverse Kegels exercise is good for PE?


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I am (38M), I have PE. I tried prescriptions but to no avail so I decided to go to a doctor to find out what I should do. I told the doctor everything but he asked me to take medicine, which I don't want to take because many problems go beyond taking medicine, so I asked the doctor to give me some other remedy, tell me to do exercises and especially reverse Kegels exercises are said to do. So I have a doubt whether doing hard exercises can cure me of PE. Or do I need to take Sildenafil if the doctor tells me to take it I see a solution soon. If you can help me please let me know.

4 Answers

To get rid of PE take the help of a proper doctor. Medicines taken or taken may cause PE problems. Exercise, yoga and proper diet can also get rid of PE.


I also have problems with PE, so I took medicine, so when I take medicine I don't get PE. I stopped the medicine and the problem started again. I like medicine when I want to have fun. Otherwise I don't take medicine. I also suggest you not to take medicine every day either. Take medicine only when you want to enjoy it.


Some people who have premature ejaculation (PE) may benefit from reverse Kegel movements because they help relax the muscles in the pelvic floor. The goal of these movements is to ease the muscles in the pelvic floor instead of tightening them. Reverse Kegels may help delay ejaculation by easing the tightness in these muscles. But they don't always work, so it's best to talk to a doctor or a pelvic floor trainer for personalized advice on how to deal with PE.


Reverse Kegel exercises can potentially help with premature ejaculation (PE) by relaxing the pelvic floor muscles. Unlike regular Kegels, which involve tightening these muscles, reverse Kegels focus on loosening them. This can help reduce tension and improve control over ejaculation. However, the effectiveness of reverse Kegels for PE varies from person to person, and it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional or a qualified therapist for personalized advice and guidance on incorporating these exercises into your routine.
