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Can I take Viagra twice a day?


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I am (33M) married man. I have erectile dysfunction. So I take Viagra, usually I take Viagra once a day, so I can't satisfy my wife, and our marriage is also affected. So can I take Viagra twice a day? And if I take Viagra twice, will it cause side effects? 

3 Answers

It's not a good idea to take Viagra more than once a day. Going over the recommended dose can raise the chance of side effects and other problems. Always talk with your doctor.


It's not a good idea to take Viagra twice a day without first talking to a doctor. It's very important to follow your doctor's directions on how to take Viagra, which is a drug used to treat erectile dysfunction. If you take more than the doctor tells you to, you might get headaches, dizziness, or even more serious health problems. Before changing how you take your medicine, you should always talk to your doctor.


No, it is not good to take Viagra twice a day. it is a risk to your health. if you take it by mistake then you must tell your health specialist. In my opinion, you should take Viagra once a day.
