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Is oral sex good for Periods ?


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During my periods I get a lot of stomach pain and during those days I am not hungry, so I feel weak. I told this to my friend and he said that doing oral sex will reduce my stomach pain. I tried it but I don't see any difference. So does it depend on how your body reacts or should I discuss this with a doctor? 

If anybody has suggestions please let me know.

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4 Answers

If you have a lot of stomach pain pls go to your gynecologist and discuss your problems. Sometimes we can let it be, but it can be a huge problem. Oral sex is not a solution to periods of stomach pain. You can use natural remedies for stomach pain such as,

-hot water bottle
-herbal tea
-healthy food etc.

If you have any other solution pls, tell me more about this.


Oral intercourse during menstruation is usually seen as safe as long as it is agreeable to both parties. While some individuals may not have any problems at all, others may feel more sensitive or uncomfortable during their periods. In order to make sure that both partners are at ease and have given their permission, communication is essential.

While the act itself is typically safe, it is crucial to remember that if appropriate measures are not done, there is a tiny chance of transmitting other illnesses or sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Condoms and dental dams are two forms of protection that may help lower this risk.

The choice to have sex at all when a woman is menstruating should ultimately be made with her comfort and both partners' permission. Open communication is essential to knowing each other's limits and guaranteeing a pleasant and consensual encounter if either partner has doubts or worries.


Oral sex during periods is a choice that each person makes. Some people enjoy and find it relaxing, while others might want to avoid it. It's important to talk to your partner about your period, and any sexual activity should be based on shared agreement and safety to make sure it's a good experience for both of you.


Most people think it's safe to have oral sex while they are menstruating and that it won't hurt them. It might be easy and enjoyable for some people, while others might choose not to do it. Two people must agree to do something sexual and be able to talk about it. Personal tastes, levels of comfort, and cleanliness habits are all different, so partners should talk about and accept each other's limits when they're alone.
