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Indentation on the Breasts? It scares me.


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I am (20f) and married I have Breast Indentation. I was having symptoms of it under my left breast so I didn't know what it was then I researched and found out that I have Breast Indentation. Since I am married I hesitate to go to the doctor and I don't trust anyone else so please let me know what I should do. I appreciate you telling me what to do.

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4 Answers

If you have these symptoms then you have breast indentation
  -breast may swell and feel warm.
  -breast may be especially tender.
  -You may feel pain in the breast.
  -You may feel a burning sensation in the breast.


If the skin on your breasts looks pulled in or dimpled, that could be a sign that you have breast cancer. But it can also be caused by cysts or fibroadenomas, which are not harmful. If you notice any changes in your breasts, like depression, you should get them checked out by a doctor right away. They can figure out what's wrong and give the right advice or care. Regular scans and self-exams of the breasts are also important to find any problems early.


Spaces on the bosoms can be unsettling and may have different causes. It could result from tight attire, underwire bras, or injury. Be that as it may, more difficult issues like bosom disease can likewise cause skin changes, including spaces. Screen for tireless changes, skin surface, or protuberances. Assuming that you notice new, unexplained spaces, skin changes, or any irregularities, look for brief clinical assessment. Ordinary self-tests and mammograms, as suggested by your medical services supplier, are urgent for early recognition. While not all spaces show a difficult issue, proficient evaluation guarantees convenient finding and suitable administration if necessary.


I can understand your point. But you have to treat breast indentation. So I will give you a suggestion that first you should talk to your husband and then you should visit a female doctor so that you can tell him without hesitation. Because one woman can tell another woman such a problem.
