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What are the side effects of Pain O Soma 350mg?


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Pain O Soma 350mg is a brand name for the drug carisoprodol, which is a muscle relaxant used to treat muscle pain and discomfort. According to the search results, some common side effects of Pain O Soma 350mg include drowsiness, dizziness, headache, and blurred vision. Other less common side effects may include chest pain, chills, enlarged pupils, and black, tarry stools. If any of these side effects persist or worsen, it is important to inform your doctor or pharmacist promptly. Additionally, if you experience symptoms of an overdose, such as difficulty breathing, fever, weakness, or burning in the eyes, seek emergency medical attention immediately.

2 Answers

Pain O Soma 350 mg may make you sleepy, and dizzy, give you headaches, or make your stomach upset. Some people may also have allergy responses or have trouble breathing. It's important to take this medicine exactly as your doctor tells you to and to pay attention to any strange side effects. If you have serious side effects or allergic responses, you should see a doctor right away.


Pain O Soma 350 mg may cause headaches, nausea, vomiting, feeling dizzy, and falling asleep. Other bad effects that could happen are allergic responses, lung problems, and a fast heart rate. Long-term use can make you dependent on it and cause withdrawal symptoms when you stop. It's important to use Pain O Soma under medical supervision, take the medicine exactly as your doctor tells you to, and let your doctor know right away if any of your symptoms seem off.
