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How can drinking milk cause health issues?


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You can understand it by gaining some knowledge about the topic. Milk and other dairy foods are the leading source of saturated fats in the American diet. They contribute to heart disease and type 2 diabetes as well as Alzheimer's. Dairy consumption has also been linked to an increased risk for breast, prostate, and ovarian cancers.

The fat content of your milk may not impact your weight. It was once believed that whole milk would make you fat, and skim milk would help you lose weight.

Lactose can cause nausea, gas, bloating and diarrhea. The symptoms of dairy digestion problems can worsen over time.

Cancer patients can also benefit from drinking milk. Calcium and vitamin D are two nutrients in milk that can help prevent cancer. Calcium can protect the lining of the gut to reduce the risk for colon or rectum carcinoma. Research has shown that too much calcium can cause prostate cancer. Vitamin D may play a part in cell growth regulation. Know more about the health effects of drinking milk?

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2 Answers

Some people have health problems when they drink milk because they can't handle lactose or are allergic to milk. People who are lactose allergic don't have the enzyme to break down the lactose in milk, which can cause stomach problems. When people are allergic to milk proteins, their responses can be worse. You should know how much your body can handle and talk to a doctor if you need to.


For many people, milk is a good source of calcium and other important nutrients. However, people who are lactose intolerant or allergic to milk may have health problems. If you can't process lactose, you might get stomach problems like gas and diarrhea. Sometimes, a milk allergy can lead to more serious responses. In addition, eating too much may make problems like high cholesterol or heavy fat intake worse. It's important to keep in mind that everyone has different health problems and food needs.
