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Should I see a doctor?


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25M. When I was in the highschool years, I can remember being always sexy and sexy. I would hurry home to have a sexy time. At the time in my life, I'd think I was almost sexually active. However, over time I've just lost my sexual libido. I began using stimulants (adderall and Vyvanse) at the age of 21, which certainly did not help. I stopped using them a few months ago because I was averse to the sexual of the effects. I've not noticed any change since I stopped, however. Each now and then I'll get up and have an erection, but it's never all the way difficult. I never get random erections. In fact, I've had a lot of trouble with performance anxiety, which has resulted in me not being able get intense when I'm actually with somebody. When I sex in a group, I'm about 90% of the time, but it doesn't stay this hard. Most of the time, I'll orgasm around 75 percent. I've had testosterone tested and it came back as normal. I'm sure I'd benefit from sex therapy since I'm sure that I've had some traumatic experiences however do you believe it's worthwhile to see an urologist or a specialist also? Do you think they'll just give me the cialis or viagra and end the day? I'm just missing having sexual pleasure and am getting uncomfortable and I'm not sure how to proceed. Thank you in advance.
