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How to stop getting erect so easily?


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If you're experiencing frequent or unwanted erections, there are a few strategies you can try:

Mindfulness and distraction: Focus on other thoughts or tasks to redirect your attention away from sexual arousal.
Physical activity: Regular exercise can help reduce sexual tension and arousal.
Stress management: Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation to reduce stress, which can contribute to spontaneous erections.
Avoiding triggers: Identify and avoid situations or stimuli that tend to trigger unwanted erections.
Seeking support: If unwanted erections persist and interfere with daily life, consider speaking with a healthcare professional or therapist for further guidance and support.

1 Answer

If you want to have a harder time getting erections, stay away from things that make you think about or feel sexual. Use methods for relaxing to calm your body and mind. Wear comfortable underwear to keep excitement to a minimum. Regular exercise can help you get rid of stress and extra energy. Stay away from pornography and other sexually enticing material. Talk to your partner honestly about your needs and limits. If it doesn't go away, talk to a doctor to rule out any underlying health problems and look into possible treatment choices. Remember that erections are normal and should only happen in certain scenarios.
