Some medical conditions, like high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, coronary artery disease, and peripheral artery disease, can cause erectile dysfunction.
Doctors say that these diseases can make it hard for blood to flow through the penis.
That is the issue. But it also depends on what you eat and how much you work out every day. Think about how you feel and what you think. Anxiety, stress, and sadness can make it hard to be sexual.
But if you can get and keep an erection every time, that means you don't have Erectile Dysfunction.
Have you felt a stronger desire to be sexual?
Just don't drink or smoke if you want to live a happy life.
Self-testing for erectile dysfunction (ED) can include evaluating different variables connected with sexual well-being. To begin with, think about the recurrence and nature of your erections during sexual excitement or self-feeling. If you reliably battle to accomplish or keep an erection adequate for sexual action, it might show ED. Survey way of life factors, like liquor utilization, smoking, and feelings of anxiety, as these can add to ED.
Observing generally speaking wellbeing, including conditions like diabetes or cardiovascular issues, is urgent. On the off chance that you're worried about ED, counseling a medical services professional for a thorough evaluation is fitting. They can direct an actual assessment, survey clinical history, and perform important tests to recognize possible fundamental causes. Looking for proficient direction guarantees a more exact conclusion and suitable treatment choices custom-made to your particular circumstance.