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Does psychological ed go away?


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Psychological erection dysfunction is real, and it's mostly caused by things that happen in your mind instead of your body. In this case, you come and make out with a girl in less than a minute. He gets angry, and in 2 minutes he leaves the place. Your performance makes you feel bad about yourself. It's likely that you'll have performance nervousness the next time you go on a date. Like, what's going to happen tonight? My erection has been going on for two minutes. Will it last longer? They make you think about them too much, which makes you more and more nervous until you fail again. Could you help me?

2 Answers

Don't watch any more porn, as well as give attention to your body when it gets excited. It does happen and it will happen. You'll wake up your partner if you tell them to stay the night. Don't take pills. It has everything to do with the mind. Having fun during foreplay without thinking about it is enough to get results.


I'm going to say something that goes against what everyone else says. If it's all in your head, take only a tiny dose of an ED drug, like 2–5 mg of Tadalafil. It's kind of like an SSRI in that you should be able to stop taking it when you feel ready. 
