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Can a 70 year old man still get hard?


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Yes, it is possible for a 70-year-old man to get an erection and have sex, but erectile dysfunction becomes more common with aging.

Here are some key points about erections and sexuality in older men:

It is normal for erections to become somewhat harder to achieve and less firm as men age, largely due to decreased blood flow and lower testosterone levels.

However, many men remain able to get sufficiently firm erections for sexual activity well into their 70s and beyond with proper stimulation.
Chronic health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, obesity and medications can contribute to erectile issues as men grow older.

Use of ED medications like Viagra, Cialis or injectable drugs can help a 70-year-old man get and sustain an erection in many cases.
Adapting with different positions, více-stimulation techniques and introducing other forms of intimacy beyond penetration can help accommodate age-related erectile changes.

Open communication with the partner, maintaining good health, managing stress and seeing a doctor for any persistent issues are recommended for active senior sexuality.

So in summary, while age can make it more difficult, many 70-year-old men can still achieve functional erections, especially with some assistance or adjustments in sexual practices. A caring attitude and creative approach to intimacy can help couples adapt.

2 Answers

70 years Old man can get a hard erection by consuming erection booster tablet. At the same time following natural food diet and living healthy life, can improving the erection level into peak, but it is based on that men body health condition. 


It is true that many guys over 70 can still get an erection. Even though sexual function may change with age because of things like lower testosterone levels and health problems, many older men can still get and keep an erection with the right kind of stimulation. Managing chronic diseases, working out, and eating well are all lifestyle choices that can improve the sexual health of older people. It's important to talk to your healthcare provider about any worries you have.
