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Advice for a 20 yrd girl


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This man has been slipping into my life for a long time, and I thought "why should I not offer him a shot" We spent three months getting acquainted with each our respective personalities and, being foolish and young, I had a sexual encounter with him during those three months. He was also telling me how they were looking for the perfect woman and wanted to have an affiance. So I said we'd been getting get to know each other for 3 months, and that we had not had a date. He was looking at me with an eye and promised me to meet for a drink this next Friday or Saturday. Friday and Saturday were both gone and he didn't send me a text message as if that he never promised to meet me for a date. I ignore it, but then he begins appearing oddly texting me back and we share our locations with one another and at times his location will say "not in the area". Then I inform him that the reason he's acting weird, he would responds "no I'm not using my phone. The other girl I'm texting may be mad, but I'm still with you" I was confused since at first, I was told he just wanted me, so later on I cut him out, however we remained friends on Insta which is why I would post my stories about the kind of guy I like, and he'd reply or I would post an adorable photo and he would love it and respond " you're fast"etc I also unfollowed him, but he then sent me a DM asking "what's the purpose of unfollowing me" and what's the reason he's doing this? to keep me connected or some other reason?

1 Answer

It can be upsetting when someone suddenly stops talking to you. Give them some space and time to understand how they feel. Talk to them about your concerns and ask if everything is okay in a nice and polite way. If they keep avoiding you, take care of your health, surround yourself with positive people and keep moving forward. And if he still wants to talk to you, you should visit him once.
