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improve vaginal health


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I (22F) have a weakened immune system, and I'm super prone to yeast infections, utis, & BV, especially now that I'm in a longterm relationship. I am hygienic, showering every day, sometimes even twice. I don't uses douches, I always pee and clean up after sex. I try to always wear breathable underwear, except for special occasions.

I go through periods of time where I try to eat super healthy & keep up with taking probiotics & stuff but I struggle to keep up with it, especially when I can't always afford to.

I was wondering, in your experience, what the best combination of food, drinks, vitamins/pre & probiotics, habits, and products has been for vaginal health? I feel like if I found a routine & stuck to it then maybe I wouldn't be struggling as much.

I figured I'd ask here because everytime I google it all that pops up are "miracle products" that are super unaffordable.

3 Answers

Maintaining vaginal health includes practicing good hygiene, staying hydrated, and wearing breathable clothing. To promote helpful microscopic organisms, choose a balanced diet rich in probiotics, such as yogurt. Avoid harsh cleansers and fragrances, as they can disturb the normal pH balance. Practice safe sex and consider using a water-based ointment. Be really proactive in helping the course. Do general pelvic floor activities to strengthen the muscles. Be aware of any surprising side effects and seek professional medical advice if necessary. In general, a healthy lifestyle and proper care contribute to optimal vaginal well-being.


To keep your vaginal health in good shape, you should clean it regularly, wear underwear that lets air pass through, and drink plenty of water. Do not use strong soaps or douches, eat a healthy diet, and have safe sex. If you have any strange symptoms, you should see a doctor to get advice on how to stay healthy in that area.


what symptoms like vaginal discharge may be present? due to which we may have problems related to vaginal health.

@janyline Changes in vaginal discharge, such as a different smell, color, structure, or amount, could be a sign of female health problems. Symptoms like redness, itchiness, burning, or pain during peeing or sex could be signs of an infection, such as a yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis, or an STD. Talking to a doctor is important for getting the right evaluation and treatment.
