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How to fix delayed ejaculation?


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To fix delayed ejaculation, you need to deal with the root mental and physical issues. Talk to a doctor about possible reasons at first, such as side effects from medications, hormonal changes, or nerve damage. Mental health problems like stress, worry, or problems in relationships can also make things worse, so therapy or counseling may help. You can get past delayed ejaculation by trying out different kinds of stimulation and getting more aroused during sexual action. Relaxation exercises like deep breathing and awareness can also help with performance nervousness and make sexual function better. Talking to your partner is important if you want to understand and solve any worries or wants. Your doctor may suggest medicines or other treatments that can help with ejaculation if they think needed. Remember that the best ways to get past delayed ejaculation and improve sexual pleasure are to be patient, try new things, and talk to your partner openly.

1 Answer

If you have delayed ejaculation, try making changes to your lifestyle, such as lowering your stress, drinking less alcohol, and not masturbating too much. Therapy can help with deep-seated worry or relationship problems. Medications that cause delay might need to be changed, drugs like dopamine agonists may be used, or hormone therapy may be needed. Talking to a medical professional is necessary for a correct evaluation and a customized treatment plan.
