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Can I stop my husband from drinking Alcohol?


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I have seen for a long time that my husband is addicted to alcohol but I don't know what could be the reason, if he has any tension then he drinks because of it but he doesn't tell me any reason. But I want to get rid of alcohol soon but I don't know how to get rid of alcohol if you have any idea please let me know.

2 Answers

You can't make your husband stop drinking, no matter how much you want to. You can tell him you're worried, offer your support, and tell him to get help from a doctor or a support group if his drinking is getting in the way of things. He is the only one who can decide if he wants to stop drinking.


First of all know that your husband is not in any problem because even if he has any problem he is addicted to alcohol even if he does not have any problem but if he is drinking alcohol then it can be stopped by giving antibiotic medicine.
