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Husband experiencing sudden erectile dysfunction


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I was married for over 4 years. We have never had a problem similar to this. Whatever we try (we tried many different methods) my husband hasn't been able to get erection at the same time. He is very interested in sexual activity, and there's not any other psychological reason we can think of. The only thing we can think of is that this week we received a flu shot. That's it. Do we need to see a doctor? Do you know whether we should consult a family doctor or another specialist we should consult? It's a bit urgent for us since we have an embryo freezing IVF coming within a matter of one month...

1 Answer

Taking too much stress can also cause this problem. It is considered normal to see this problem in today's time because our food and drink have become like that. We tend to eat fast food more than healthy food. If you want more information about this problem, you need to consult a good specialist, not a family doctor.
