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Why do I take long before ejaculating?


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There are several things that can lead to delayed ejaculation, which means that it takes longer than normal to ejaculate:

Psychological factors: Anxiety, stress, problems in relationships, or performance pressure can make it hard to get sexually aroused and cause ejaculation to be delayed.
Physical Factors: Some medicines, like drugs, hormonal changes, or nerve conditions can make it hard to ejaculate.
Lifestyle Factors: Drinking too much alcohol, abusing drugs, or being too tired can make it harder to ejaculate or delay it.
Age: As men get older, their hormone levels and sensitivity may change, making it take longer for them to ejaculate.
Behaviors: Some men may find it harder to come during sex if they masturbate in a way that is different from when they are with a partner, such as with stronger pressure or a certain beat.

To fix delayed ejaculation, you need to know what's causing it, whether it's mental, physical, or linked to habits. Talking to a doctor or nurse can help you figure out what's wrong and look into the best ways to fix it or change your behavior to improve your sexual function.
