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What happens if you take 2 Viagra in 24 hours?


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If you take two Viagra (sildenafil) pills in 24 hours, you may be more likely to have major side effects or problems. A certain dose of Viagra is usually recommended, and going over this amount can have bad results. Some possible side effects are:

Extremely Low Blood Pressure: Viagra can lower your blood pressure a lot, which can make you feel dizzy or even faint, or even cause a heart attack or stroke.
Prolonged Erection: An erection that lasts more than 4 hours can damage the penis and needs medical care. This condition is called priapism.
Cardiovascular Issues: Higher chance of heart problems, especially for people who already have heart problems.
Bad Side Effects: sickness, lung pain, an abnormal heartbeat, and loss of sight or hearing.

Always take the amount that your doctor tells you to, and talk to your doctor if the dose doesn't work. To keep your health safe, never change the dose without first talking to a doctor.
1 Answer

If you take two doses of Viagra (sildenafil) in a 24-hour period. It make's you in high risk.

Let's see the measure side effect of 2 doses of Viagra in a 24-hour period.

Headaches: Doses that are higher may cause headaches that are more severe.

Dizziness: Higher doses have the potential to significantly lower blood pressure, which may result in lightheadedness or fainting.

Heart Risks: People who already have heart problems run the higher chance of developing heart-related adverse effects.

Digestive Problems: Taking more medication may cause upset stomach or other gastrointestinal issues.

Vision and Hearing Issues: In rare cases, it may result in abrupt loss of vision or hearing.

Always adhere to the dosage recommendations made by your healthcare professional, and contact them if the suggested amount isn't working. Never raise the dose without first consulting a doctor.
