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What Causes Erectile Dysfunction In Young Men


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Erectile dysfunction in young men can be caused by a Variation of physical, psychological, and lifestyle thing. Some common cause include. Emotional Factors such as stress and fear, unhappiness, relationship issues, worry about performance.
Physical reason such as Diabetes, high blood pressure, hormonal variation, neurological disorders, Pelvic cut or surgeries.
Lifestyle Factors such as lavish alcohol consumption, smoking, lack of exercise, poor diet and fatness. All are affected on erectile dysfunction life.
Live healthy life style with healthy diet and some exercise and also do some yoga on daily basis.

1 Answer

Several things can cause young men to have trouble getting or keeping an erection. A big part is played by psychological problems like stress, worry, or performance pressure. Lifestyle choices like drinking too much, smoking, and not eating well all play a role. ED can also be caused by health problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, or chemical issues. Sometimes it's a side effect of the medicine. Not being active enough and being overweight are also risk factors. Keeping your mental health in check, living a healthy life, and seeing a doctor when you need to can help young men avoid and deal with erectile dysfunction, which is good for their general sexual health and confidence.
