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How common is Erectile Dysfunction?


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Impotence, or ED, is a common problem, especially in older men. Only in the US, it affects 30 million guys. ED affects different numbers of men around the world, but about half of all men aged 40 to 70 are thought to have some form of it. Older people are more likely to have ED because of things like lower testosterone levels, long-term health problems, and bad habits like smoking and not exercising.

Although ED is more common in older men, younger men can also have it. This is usually because of mental issues, stress, or certain medicines. Unfortunately, ED is manageable, and many men find comfort by making changes to their lifestyle, taking drugs like Viagra or Cialis, or trying other methods like vacuum pumps or counseling.

Knowledge and honesty about ED are important for getting medical help when needed and looking into effective solutions, which can greatly enhance quality of life and personal relationships.
