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Erectile Dysfunction (Accutane induced) - Blood Results


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Hello all,

I'm looking for some help regarding my erectile dysfunction and non-existent sexual desire.

Short story I started taking Accutane seven years ago, and since then have suffered from severe erectile dysfunction and basically no sexual libido, aside from a few occasion. I've had a tests of my blood recently to determine if I could alleviate the issue by this approach. Viagra/Cialas/Caverject injections provide zero benefit.

My blood test results are

Testosterone: 579 ng/dL

SHGB: 34 nmol/L

Free Testosterone: 122 pg/mL

Estrogen: 34pg/mL

Prolactin: 7.89ng/mL

These numbers appear to be good, what else can I do to enhance my situation?

1 Answer

Caverject didn't produce any results! What dose was it? Does this make sense that the ed could be hormone connected? !

@smithjones067 Tried up to 15mg and did absolutely nothing

Maybe it’s not hormones related, that’s what I don’t know
