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How does shift work disorder impact mental health?


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The body's normal circadian cycle is thrown off by shift work disorder (SWD), which has a number of negative effects on mental health, including:

Sleep problems: Having an irregular work routine can make it hard to sleep or cause bad sleep, which can make you moody, irritable, and unable to concentrate.

Increased stress: Changing jobs and having trouble sleeping can make stress levels rise, which can cause worry and feelings of being overwhelmed.

Depression: Not getting enough sleep on a regular basis and having problems with social plans can make you more likely to become depressed.

Impaired cognitive function: Memory, decision-making, and problem-solving are all cognitive skills that may be harmed by unpredictable sleep patterns.

Isolation from others: Working shifts can make it hard to spend time with family and friends, which can make you feel alone and isolated.

Physical health problems: SWD can make your mental health worse, which can lead to physical health problems like heart problems and stomach problems.

To deal with SWD, you need to stick to a regular sleep routine, make sure you have a good place to sleep, and get help from medical workers to lessen its effects on your mental health.
