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What to Do To Make Penis Strong?


Topic starter

I am a 36-year-old male, I have an erectile dysfunction problem. I am suffering from this problem since many times I don't understand how can I get rid of this problem. My partner is worried because of my illness. So what do I do to strengthen my penis?

2 Answers

To enhance penile health, eat a balanced diet, exercise frequently to increase blood flow, control stress, abstain from smoking and excessive alcohol use, and manage stress. To avoid infections, have safe sexual relations. Getting enough sleep is essential. To improve pelvic floor muscles, think about doing Kegel exercises. To receive individualized guidance if experiencing erectile dysfunction or other issues, speak with a healthcare provider.


To make your penis stronger, live a healthy life by working out regularly, eating well, and getting enough sleep. Don't smoke or drink too much, and learn how to deal with stress. Do pelvic floor movements, like Kegels, and be honest with your partner about any worries you have. If you need to, talk to a healthcare professional for specific help.
