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What foods should Diabetics avoid?


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People with diabetes should stay away from foods that are high in processed sugars and carbs, which can quickly raise blood sugar levels. Some of these are:

Drinks with a lot of sugar: Regular beers, fruit juices, and other sweet drinks can make your blood sugar rise quickly.
Desserts and sweets: Cookies, cakes, pies, and candy all have a lot of sugar and fat that is bad for you.
White bread and pasta are high-glycemic foods, which means they can quickly raise blood sugar.
Processed Snacks: Snack foods like chips, crackers, and chocolate bars often have a lot of bad fats and processed carbs.
Fried foods: These are high in fats that are bad for you and can make insulin resistance worse.
Full-Fat Dairy: Whole milk, cream, and other high-fat dairy items can make insulin less sensitive.
Too Much Alcohol: Too much alcohol can lower blood sugar levels in a dangerous way and can make diabetes medicines less effective.

People with diabetes should eat a lot of fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean meats, and healthy fats like those in nuts and olives. For good blood sugar control, it's also important to keep an eye on serving amounts and food intake.

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