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What are the first signs of being diabetic?


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More thirst and going to the bathroom more often are often the first signs of diabetes. When there is too much glucose in the blood, the kidneys have to work harder to process and absorb it. This makes the body make more pee, which makes the person dehydrated. Here are some other early signs:

Extreme Hunger: Even if you've eaten, you may still feel very hungry because your body isn't using insulin correctly.
Weight Loss That You Can't Explain: If you don't have enough insulin, your body may start using fat and muscle for energy, which can make you lose weight even if you don't try to.
Feeling tired: Having too much glucose in your blood can make you feel weak and tired.
Blurred Vision: Having high blood sugar can make the lens in your eyes grow, which can temporarily change how you see.
Healing Slowly: Because of nerve damage and poor blood flow, cuts and bruises may take longer to heal.
A lot of infections: Having a lot of sugar in your blood can make you more likely to get infections, especially skin and urinary tract illnesses.

If you have these signs, you should see a doctor right away to get a correct evaluation and treatment.
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