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How does HIV affect your life?


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HIV, or the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, has a huge effect on people's lives. By fighting CD4 cells, it lowers the immune system, which makes the body more likely to get diseases and illnesses. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) can develop from HIV if it is not treated. AIDS can cause serious health problems.

Living with HIV can be hard on the mind and emotions. The shame attached to the condition can cause stress, worry, and sadness. People who are afraid of being rejected or discriminated against may have trouble with their relationships with others.

People with HIV can live long, healthy lives with the right medical care, such as antiretroviral treatment (ART). ART helps control the virus so that it stays low and doesn't turn into AIDS. To control the disease and make life better, it's important to live a healthy life, get regular checkups, and have a strong support network.
